Oh the comfort--
the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person--
having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words,
but pouring them all right out,
just as they are,
chaff and grain together,
certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them,
keep what is worth keeping,
and with the breath of kindness blow the rest away.

"Friendship" by M. M. Craik

Friday, January 4, 2013


Another thoughtful piece by Edgar A. Guest. This gentleman was really quite a prolific writer. I can see why he was called the "people's poet."  His words speak to each one of us.  This particular poem is just so true. We get so busy in our little lives that many of us think "oh I'll do that tomorrow" and never really live today.  We need to get out there and jump right in and use up every bit of life we are given. It really is a gift.  That's really my fondest memory of my Aunt Florence....she was always ready to try something new.

Flo with a new camera. It looks
to me as if she's outside of
my grandparent's house in
Ohio. 1930-ish.
Life is a gift to be used every day.
Not to be smothered and hidden away
It isn't a thing to be stored in the chest
Where you gather your keepsakes and treasure your vest.
It isn't a joy to be sipped now and then
And promptly put back in a dark place again.

Life is a gift that the humblest may boast of
And one that the humblest may well make the most of.
Get out and live it each hour of the day,
Wear it and use it as much as you may;
Don't keep it in niches and corners and grooves.
You'll find that in service its beauty improves.

                       ~Edgar A. Guest

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thoughts on the New Year.

Flo with a dog, circa 1920-1930.
This little poem has a date attached, 1/8/58, so it's one of the later additions to Florence's journal.  Horatio Nelson Powers was an Episcopalian minister who wrote poetry on the side.

I can't find a title for this piece, but it definitely speaks to the fresh page of a new year.

A flower unknown; a book unread;
A tree with fruit unharvested;
A path untrod; a house whose rooms
Lack yet the heart's divine perfumes;
A landscape whose wide border lies
In silent shade 'neath silent skies;
A wondrous fountain yet unsealed;
A casket with its gift concealed...
This is the year that for you waits
Beyond tomorrow's mystic gates.

                ~Horatio Nelson Powers

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day by Day Resolution

Happy New Year!

Day by Day Resolution
A little less impatience with those we deem to slow;
A little less of arrogance because of all we know;
A little more humility, seeing our worth is slight;
We are such trivial candles compared to stars at night!
 A little more forgiving and swifter to be kind;
A little more desirous the word of praise to find;
The word of praise to utter and make a heart rejoice;
A little bit more careful to speak with gentle voice;
A little more true eagerness to understand each other;
A little more real striving to help a shipwrecked brother;
A little more high courage for each task that must be done.
These be our resolutions--and God help everyone!
                   ~Printed in the Oklahoma messenger @ 1930's